Review: Reviews

Definitive enough for now

Definitive enough for now

Inglis manages to be authoritative while introducing the full range of topics and sub-categories that fit under the heading of graphic design.

Carter keeps the skills alive

Carter keeps the skills alive

Carter hopes to inspire the next generation of signwriters, for whom this new book supplies an admirable starting point.

Images do the talking

Images do the talking

Seeing ↔ Making: Room for Thought is an inventive and challenging new project from the always interesting publisher Inventory Press

Digging deep into the plan chest

Digging deep into the plan chest

new photography combines with exactingly reproduced artwork to tie three decades of work into a strikingly coherent whole …

Cutting edge of type

Cutting edge of type

‘Inscript’ inspires and empowers designers to push the boundaries of what is possible, charting a course towards a more innovative and inclusive future.

A compilation with clout

A compilation with clout

Rare are those who write about graphic design but are not graphic design practitioners or…
Chance can be a fine thing

Chance can be a fine thing

MuirMcNeil’s book sets out to explore variations on a seemingly infinite collection of modular, geometric typography.

Dance across the pages

Dance across the pages

Dutch graphic designer Karel Martens has long been prolific in his visual examinations of form…
Read this space

Read this space

Catherine Griffiths: Solo in [ ] Space by Zhihua Duan with Catherine Griffiths is ostensibly the…
Fontstand 2022

Fontstand 2022

It was a Dutch train strike, rather than Covid-19, that threatened to disrupt Fontstand’s in-real-life event…
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