Blog: Book design

1 February 2025

Sparking fear

Sparking fear

Joy and Fear offers a snapshot of modernity … [it] functions as a manual and audit on how the world works now …

Joy and Fear offers a snapshot of modernity … [it] functions as a manual and audit on how the world works now …

25 September 2024

Books received #58

Books received #58

Four titles: Znak. from Ukraine; Darren Leader's Logo Rewind; Present Tense: Wahine Toi Aotearoa from New Zealand; and Unidentified Paper Object No.3

The history and visual language of trademarks; an activist approach to underrepresented voices; and the work of Marion Bataille.

22 January 2024

Parisienne walkways

Parisienne walkways

A new trilogy from the Mainstone Press is a whimsical journey through shopfronts, fairgrounds and the literary scene of 1920s Paris. By Gabriela Matuszyk
The Mainstone Press may be known to those interested in British artist, designers and illustrators from…

1 December 2023

Books received #55

Books received #55

Christian Marclay catalogue; concrete poetry anthology; and 50 years of ISTD’s TypoGraphic

Three books about visual culture and typography that crossed Eye’s desks in recent months

2 November 2023



The second volume of James Mollison’s book is a moving photographic tale of children’s sleeping arrangements. Review by Janet South

The second volume of Where Children Sleep features stories Mollison found while travelling on assignments

19 October 2023

Picturebook people

Picturebook people

Illustrator Michael Kirkham pays tribute to the Provensens
Authors, illustrators and designers Alice and Martin Provensen were a wife-and-husband team who made children’s picturebooks…

27 September 2023

Open to interpretation

Open to interpretation

A typographic and literary collaboration between Warren Lehrer and Adeena Karasick dramatises responses to the pandemic. Review by Amy Henry

This striking publication gives voice (and form) to the challenges, triumphs, interactions and realisations of our post-pandemic world …

21 August 2023

Books received #54

Books received #54

Beer mats design; ‘how-to’ create interactive digital spaces; and Japanese-German cultural exchange project.

In the latest embodiment of our ‘books received’ series, Eye looks at three different titles on graphic design and visual culture.

24 July 2023

Badges of Britain

Badges of Britain

Martyn Routledge’s The Beautiful History is a sporting ode to the history of Britain, writes Daniel Shannon.

The visual culture around football is a subject Martyn Routledge knows more about than most …

16 June 2023

Best in class

Best in class

The ISTD’s Student Assessment Scheme crosses borders through typographic excellence. Barrie Tullett, who was on the jury, reports

The International Society of Typographic Designers (ISTD) began in 1928 …

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